Paying for pollution: who should be on the hook for environmental harm Our lives invariably cause a level of pollution: we drive, we use chemicals to clean our clothes...
Paying for pollution: who should be on the hook for environmental harm? Our lives invariably cause a level of pollution: we drive, we use chemicals to clean our clothes...
2015 – Model for Harmonized Provincial Environmental and Sustainability Assessment2015 – Model for Harmonized Provincial Environmental and Sustainability Assessment Download Now!
Model for Harmonized Provincial Environmental and Sustainability Assessment The ELC is pleased to announce publication of its Model for Harmonized Provincial Environmental and Sustainability Assessment. In recent years,...
Highlights: Canary in the Coal Mine? The GOA announced its initiative to modernize coal mining (on Friday before Christmas) but it seems further consultation will be limited to the coal...
In June 2023, the federal government finally amended the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, ostensibly, to reflect a modern interpretation of toxic substance management and environmental principles. The main changes to...
Engaging new regulatory approaches to generate revenue for environmental management: ELC report Resources are needed to address a broad suite of environmental challenges in Alberta: point source pollution, non-point...
Accounting for nature: Increasing revenues in support of environmental management Alberta is no stranger to budgetary turmoil thanks to its significant reliance on oil and gas revenues and the...
Access to Environmental Justice: Costs and scientific uncertainty raise barriers to protecting communities For Access to Justice week in Alberta ( the ELC looks at how access to justice...
Highlights of Federal Environmental Legislation Reviews: Reports released for the Environmental Assessment, the National Energy Board, the Navigation Protection Act and Fisheries Act Reviews The Government of Canada is...
Whirling disease and the law: a call for precautionary environmental management on World Water Day Invasive species are a huge challenge for our ever shrinking world. Whirling disease being...
Substantive environmental rights are not overly common and there are no rights to environmental quality in Alberta or Canada for that matter. This environmental rights module canvasses some of key questions related to substantive environmental rights and identifies some approaches taken elsewhere.