ELC Special Orders

ELC Publications Available by Special Order


The following special publications are available by special order through the Environmental Law Centre. Contact us directly about any of the following:


If you require legal advice, you should contact a lawyer. Also, note that information reflects the state of the law just prior to publication. Laws and regulations change periodically, and this necessitates a review to determine whether the information is up to date.



Alberta Public Rangeland Law and Policy (1993)

Arlene Kwasniak
August 1993


This book examines existing law and policy for users and potential users of Alberta public rangeland – nearly 9,000 square miles of public land under grazing lease, over half of which is in southern Alberta. It identifies and discusses critical public land issues and makes recommendations for law and policy reform. It clarifies the law on access to public rangelands by the public and treaty Indians, and access and compensation by the oil and gas industry. As well, the book examines how laws of general application apply to users of these valuable lands, including public lands law, environmental laws and wildlife laws and policies.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-48-4 (48-2)*


Pages: 145


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

A Legacy of Land: Conservation Easements and Land Stewardhip Conference Proceedings (1999)

(Edited by) Arlene Kwasniak and Donna Tingley

June 1999


The volume contains the many interesting and innovative papers presented at a joint conference held by the Environmental Law Centre and the Land Stewardship Centre of Canada. Like the conference, the proceedings explore both legal and practical aspects of land conservancy. The collection includes 19 papers and a detailed introduction. Paper topics cover an array of topics including an overview of conservation easements and land stewardship, practical advice on negotiating and placing conservation easements, using conservation easements in estate planning, special issues for municipalities and conservation easements and enforcement. This volume will appeal to conservation organizations, levels of government, landowners, lawyers and anyone else involved in conservation easement and land stewardship processes.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-64-4 (64-4)*

Pages: 162


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Canadian Directory of Environmental Experts Who Have Appeared Before Courts and Tribunals (1998)

Managing Editor) Donna Tingley

April 1998


This Directory catalogues environmental experts who have given evidence before Canadian courts and tribunals. Included in the Directory is detailed biographical information for each expert consisting of educational background, professional certification and specialization, the name of the courts and tribunals the expert has appeared before, and the subject areas where the expert has given evidence. The Directory contains a convenient subject index directing the user to the appropriate expert.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-58-3 (58-X)*

Pages: 134


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Conservation Easements and Occupier's Liability (1992)

Arlene Kwasniak

April 1992


An address to the Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Planning Commission, Regional Trails Workshop, discussing legal tools available to acquire interests in land for the purposes of trail linkage, and occupiers’ liability regarding public use of trails.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-45-3 (45-8)*
Pages: 36


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Directory of Environmental Resource Collections in Alberta (1997)

Laura Lemmens

January 1997


This Directory is the culmination of a survey of collections of environmental resource materials maintained in Alberta. It is a valuable reference tool for locating information to meet today’s environmental challenges.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-55-2 (55-5)*
Pages: 102


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Environmental Conflict and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) (1995)

Elizabeth Swanson

November 1995


This book looks closely at both traditional forms of legal and political processes, as well as alternative dispute resolution, its theory and practice. It discusses the interaction of these two approaches, and whether they are compatible, complementary or mutually exclusive.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-52-1 (52-0)*
Pages: 130


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

In Response to Bill 15: The Natural Heritage Act (1999)

Staff Counsel

March 1999


A submission to Alberta Environment responding to Bill 15: The Natural Heritage Act. This brief is also available as a free download in PDF format under the Briefs and Submissions link (Briefs and Submissions 1999) on the ELC website.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-60-6 (60-1)*
Pages: 63


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

In Response to Bill 53: The Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act and the Draft Regulations (1992)

January 1992


A submission to Alberta Environment responding to Bill 53 – “The Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act” and the Draft Regulations.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-43-9 (43-1)*
Pages: 82


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

In Response to the Discussion Draft of the Proposed Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Legislation (1990)

D. Tingley, E. Swanson and H. Samoil

November 1990


A submission to the Environmental Legislation Review Panel on the draft “Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act”.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-37-8 (37-7)*
Pages: 98


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

In Response to the Draft Water Conservation and Management Act - and - Existing Water Rights and the Water Conservation and Management Act (1995)

A. Kwasniak, E. Swanson and D. Tingley

November 1995


The draft WCMA which focuses on instream flow needs and water conservation is designed to replace the Water Resources Act, which focused on diversion and consumption of water. The Existing Water Rights study shows why the draft WCMA’s manner of protecting existing rights is unsatisfactory. Both briefs are in one document.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-54-5 (54-7)*
Pages: 103


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

In Response To: Proposed Notification Regulations for Biotechnology Products Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (1991)

Glennis M. Lewis and Howard Samoil

January 1991


A brief responding to proposed notification regulations for biotechnology products under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-38-5 (38-5)*
Pages: 19


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Into the Future: Environmental Law and Policy for the 1990's (1990)

(Editor) Donna Tingley

March 1990


Proceedings of a national conference held in October, 1989 in Edmonton. Acknowledged experts in environmental law from Canada and the United States describe the current state of the law and make predictions for the future on topics including government regulations; the common law; toxic real estate; securities regulation in the U.S.; and public interest litigation.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-31-6 (31-8)*
Pages: 192


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Law in the New Age of Biotechnology (1992)

(Editor) Howard Samoil

May 1992


This collection of essays offers a comprehensive approach to addressing the key legal aspects of biotechnology. Those interested in biotechnology will become acquainted with the law in this area in an intriguing and thorough way.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-41-5 (41-5)*
Pages: 197


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Legal Mechanisms for Private Land Conservancy in Alberta: A Law Reform Proposal (1991)

Arlene Kwasniak

December 1991


A paper examining the legal tools available to conserve interests in private land in Alberta in perpetuity. It establishes the need for law reform to facilitate private conservancy objectives and suggests wording for legislative reform.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-46-0 (46-6)*
Pages: 28


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Occupier's Liability, Trails and Incentives (1999)

Arlene Kwasniak

June 1999


This study tackles the difficult relationship between occupier’s liability and promoting the public use of natural land for trails and nature appreciation and proposes solutions for law reform. In providing answers, noted environmental law writer, Arlene Kwasniak, reviews and summarizes the law of occupier’s liability on natural land. She also looks specifically at the issue of trails and liability faced by volunteers. She ends by reviewing some workable economic incentives for landowners and occupiers.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-65-1 (65-2)*
Pages: 77


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Private Conservancy: The Path to Law Reform (1994)

(Editor) Arlene Kwasniak

January 1994


Find out more about private conservancy and about the issues surrounding private conservancy law reform, including municipal and federal taxation, expropriation, occupiers’ liability, planning law and surface rights. Proceedings and additional material from the Environmental Law Centre’s January 13, 1994 Private Conservancy Conference. In addition to seventeen articles by experts, this book contains a useful introduction and a summary of responses to a questionnaire.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-49-1 (49-0)*
Pages: 272


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Public Consultation and Environmental Law Reform: Learning As We Go (1995)

Donna Tingley

April 1995


Reforming environmental law through public consultation is now common in Canada. This book presents case studies on federal and provincial law reform consultation processes and suggests improvements for the future.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-51-4 (51-2)*
Pages: 80


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Putting Sustainable Development to Work: Implementation Through Law and Policy (1994)

Elizabeth Swanson

June 1994


Sustainable development is really an old concept given new life through the work of the World Commission on Environment and Development. What is new is the incorporation of sustainable development into law and policy. This book looks at how and where this is occurring and its likely effect.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-50-7 (50-4)*
Pages: 90


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Reconciling Ecosystem and Political Borders: A Legal Map (1998)

Arlene Kwasniak

March 1998


This book identifies and describes all the ways those with a legal right to affect an ecosystem may do so – from pipe line rights-of-way to timber permits to mineral surface leases to national park dispositions. It investigates existing models where public and private interests have cooperated to conserve ecosystems and offers new ideas.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-56-9 (56-3)*
Pages: 200


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Response of the Environmental Law Centre (Alberta) Society to Bill C-78: The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (1990)

Elizabeth J. Swanson

November 1990


A submission to the Parliamentary Committee on Bill C-78, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-39-2 (39-3)*
Pages: 39


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Taking Part: Participating In A Pulp Mill Hearing (1998)

D. Tingley, M. Pollock and C. Beaudoin

December 1998


These high school resource materials were developed for use in Alberta Social Studies 20, Biology 20 & 30 and LGS 2030 Environmental Law classes. The materials facilitate student participation in a mock hearing before the Alberta Natural Resources Conservation Board considering a proposal to build a pulp mill. Included are a detailed teacher’s guide and student materials ready for copying. This is what one teacher said:

“Taking Part: Participating in a Pulp Mill Hearing was one of the most exciting and real activities that my Biology 20 class has had the opportunity to participate in for some time. The scenario featured people and places to which students could easily identify and they entered into every phase with enthusiasm. As a result, they learned a great deal about how they can help to make a difference”.

Dawn Lindenberg
Ross Sheppard High School


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-59-0 (59-8)*
Pages: 71


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

The AL-PAC Review Hearings: A Case Study (1990)

Paul Edwards

October 1990


Through a comprehensive review of Alberta’s assessment of the proposed Al-Pac pulp mill, lawyer Paul Edwards looks at the effectiveness of informal public reviews of complex industrial projects. Useful recommendations for reform are offered with an analysis of recently proposed environmental impact assessment legislation.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-35-4 (35-0)*
Pages: 195


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Underground Storage Tanks Legal Handbook (Updated to October, 1996)

Renée Craig

October 1996


This is a handbook on the federal, provincial and territorial laws applicable to underground storage tanks in Canada, containing a summary of all applicable cases, laws and regulations including the National Fire Code and CCREM Code of Practice. Prepared in looseleaf format.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-53-8 (53-9)*
Pages: 238


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Water Law for the 1990's: Water Resources Act and Policy Review (1991)

A. Kwasniak, E. Swanson & Franklin Work

October 1991


A collection of papers discussing legal issues relevant to the law and policy governing water use and allocation in Alberta. Topics include: instream flow needs, wild and scenic rivers, water conservation and the value of water.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-42-2 (42-3)*
Pages: 75


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

Wetlands and the Law in the Prairie Provinces of Canada (1993)

Professor David R. Percy

November 1993


This book reviews the law applicable to wetlands in the prairie provinces, and makes law reform recommendations. It discusses the development of the common law of drainage and how it encouraged wetland depletion. It reviews federal and provincial regulatory schemes and specific mechanisms to protect wetlands in the prairie provinces.


ISBN Number: 978-0-921503-47-7 (47-4)*
Pages: 127


*Available as a special order. Contact the Centre for pricing.

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