The scales of just-fish: are letters of advice crappie ways to minnow-mize harm? The case of Cassiar Watch 4/9/2010 The federal Fisheries Act R.S.C. 1985, c. F-14 is one of Canada’s oldest...
The scales of just-fish: are letters of advice crappie ways to minnow-mize harm? The case of Cassiar Watch The federal Fisheries Act R.S.C. 1985, c. F-14 is one of...
Governments must assess the environmental impacts of a whole project MiningWatch Canada v. Canada (Fisheries and Oceans) In January the Supreme Court of Canada released a unanimous decision in...
Enforcing Environmental Law: A Guide to Private Prosecution, Second Edition 12/1/2004 Canadian law allows any individual to lay charges against a polluter or other environmental offender where there is evidence...
Inside this blog A review of the existing Edmonton’s River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan with a look at challenges and legal gaps The improvements of the draft ARP and some...
The Environmental Law Centre invites you to join our webinar discussion around contaminated sites and the law on February 27, 2024 at 12:00pm. Register here Alberta has thousands...
(Photo: Horia Varlan from Bucharest, Romania, CC BY 2.0) ___________________________________________________________________________ Attempts by the federal government to tackle plastic pollution suffered a setback yesterday as the Federal Court of Canada...
The Canadian Constitution, the Environment, and the Misguided Notions of Provincial Sovereignty The proposed Alberta Sovereignty Act has been extensively discussed in the media and in the legal realm...
An update on the E.L. Smith Solar Farm: Case Comment on Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition Society v Council of the City of Edmonton In August 2021, we released...
FALL 2020 REPORTS OF THE CESD A FOCUS ON THE TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS IN CANADA The Commissioner of Environment and Sustainable Development (CESD) recently released her Fall 2020...
The polluter pays principle in Alberta: Meeting economic challenges with regulatory certainty To say these are “challenging times” is a gross understatement. Borders closed, energy prices in the basement,...
Climate Change Litigation in Canada: Environnement Jeunesse v. Canada This past November, ENvironnement JEUnesse (ENJEU), an environmental nonprofit in Quebec, applied to bring a class action lawsuit against the...