Rebecca Kauffman

Rebecca Kauffman

Staff Counsel


Rebecca Kauffman joined the Environmental Law Centre as Staff Counsel in 2017 after completing her articles at a family law firm in Edmonton. Prior to articling, Rebecca graduated from the University of Alberta Faculty of Law with First Class Standing. Throughout law school, Rebecca sought out numerous environmental and aboriginal law courses, while actively volunteering with Student Legal Services, Pro Bono Students Canada and the Edmonton Community Legal Centre. In her final year at law school Rebecca was a Student Legal Services dayleader with the Legal Education and Reform project, which involved researching, drafting and presenting the law to various Edmonton area organizations. It was through these law school courses and experiences that that Rebecca discovered the impact environmental law has on Alberta’s everyday activities, as well as the value of creating accessible and understandable legal documents.


From childhood summers on the shores of Lake Edith in Jasper National Park, to weekend biking through the Edmonton’s extensive river valley and new bike lane network, Rebecca has always had a passion for sustainable human interaction with the environment. Rebecca is extremely excited to be a member of the ELC and she hopes she can contribute to increasing the public’s understanding of the technical and increasingly important area of environmental law.


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