ELC Publications Available for Purchase

ELC Publications Store


The Environmental Law Centre offers the following printed publications for purchase through our online store:


If you require legal advice, you should contact a lawyer. Also, note that information reflects the state of the law just prior to publication. Laws and regulations change periodically, and this necessitates a review to determine whether the information is up to date.



The ABC’s of Environmental Jurisdiction (2003)

Alberta’s Wetlands: A Law and Policy Guide (2001)

Brownfield Redevelopment in Alberta: Analysis and Recommended Reforms (2006)

Community Action on Air Quality: Guidebook and Background Materials (1999)

Community Action on Industrial Facilities: Guidebook and Background Materials (2002)
Community Action Package – Special Offer (2002) Conservation Easement Guide for Alberta (1997) Demystifying Forestry Law: An Alberta Analysis, 2nd Edition (2003)
Enforcing Environmental Law: A Guide to Private Prosecution, Second Edition (2004)



Environmental Assessment & the Canadian Constitution: Substitution and Equivalency (2014)

Get the Real Dirt: Contaminated Real Estate and the Law in Alberta (2000)
Good Riddance: Waste Management Law in Alberta, 2nd Edition (2003) A Guide to Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making in Alberta (2009) In Response to Bill 32: The Climate Change and Emissions Management Act (2003)
Legal and Institutional Responses to Conflicts Involving Agriculture Development (2003) Legal and Institutional Responses to Conflicts Involving Petroleum Operations (2003) A Model Environmental and Sustainability Assessment Law (Annotated Version) (2013)
A Model Environmental and Sustainability Assessment Law (without annotations) (2013)
Municipal Powers, Land Use Planning, and the Environment: Understanding the Public’s Role (2005)
Nuclear Power in the Prairies (2011)

Public Access to Environmental Appeals (2006)

Reclaiming Tomorrow Today: Regulatory timing for abandonment and reclamation of well sites in Alberta (2013)
Seeking the Right Balance (2010)
Standing in Environmental Matters (2014) The Dictionary of Environmental Law and Science 2nd Edition (2005) What lies beneath? Access to Environmental Information in Alberta (2014)

The Environmental Law Centre offers the above printed publications by contacting our office at elc@elc.ab.ca.