The ELC Endowment Fund at the Edmonton Community Foundation

The Environmental Law Centre Endowment Fund
at the Edmonton Community Foundation


The Environmental Law Centre is excited to announce it has opened an endowment fund.


The Environmental Law Centre Fund is held at the Edmonton Community Foundation. As the fund grows it will provide operational revenue to continue the Centre’s work to ensure that our laws and policies protect the environment on which we all depend.


The Environmental Law Centre, since 1982, provides credible, comprehensive and objective legal information regarding natural resources, energy and environmental law, policy and regulation in Alberta. With your help, we have a unique opportunity to create and grow an endowment that will help ensure we can keep doing so well into the future.


There is no better opportunity to invest in protecting Alberta’s environment today and for the future.


The fund was created to allow for a truly lasting legacy for the Environmental Law Centre. Your donation qualifies for a charitable tax receipt from the Edmonton Community Foundation or the ELC. The fund dollars will be will be invested in perpetuity, generating funds for the ELC forever.



Help us build our future and create your legacy. Please help us grow the Environmental Law Centre endowment fund today.




You may also choose to donate to the ELC’s annual operations by making your one-time or monthly gift online on or before December 31, 2020 to receive your 2020 charitable tax receipt. Learn more about other ways to give.


Tax receipts will be issued by the Edmonton Community Foundation for all donations made to the ELC Fund at the Edmonton Community Foundation.


If you have any questions or would like more information about the Environmental Law Centre Endowment Fund at the Edmonton Community Foundation, please contact Jason Unger, Executive Director at 780-424-5099 or email



We recognize and appreciate your generosity. Donors receive charitable tax receipts, reports on the impact of your gift and exclusive invitations to special events, and may be publicly acknowledged.

CRA Charitable Registration Number: #11890 0679 RR0001