Tag: coal fired power

Vol.19 No.3 

Animal welfare law reform stalled in Parliament; conservation easements – benefits and barriers; court affirms purpose of Alberta’s EIA process;...

Vol.19 No.2 

Dealing with problems from motor boat use; Contaminated Sites Committee submits interim report; reasonable expectation of consultation taken seriously by...

Vol.19 No.1 

Supreme Court allows interim costs for public interest case; sour gas well application denied; tips for preparing board submissions without...

Enforcing Environmental Law: A Guide to Private Prosecution, Second Edition (2004)
Vol.18 No.4 

Alberta passes class proceedings legislation; multi-stakeholder initiative proposes emission framework for Alberta’s energy sector; clearer picture for successful costs claims...

Vol.18 No.3 

Greater onus on landowners under new reclamation system; regulatory reform needed for contaminated sites; costs awarded to citizens in Inland...

Vol.18 No.2 

New split-receipting income tax rules for charitable gifts; province enacts retroactive criteria for EUB consideration; receding lakes and property lines;...

Vol.18 No.1 

Alberta’s proposed climate change legislation; government set to restrict recreational access to public lands; public participation and Bill 32, the...

2008 – The ABC’s of Environmental Jurisdiction
Vol.17 No.4 

Climate change consultation history; inter-basin transfer approved by Alberta; pest control proposal needs strengthening; Security Management Status Amendment Act, 2002;...

Vol.17 No.3 

Trouble for toxic torts as class actions; estate liability for contaminated land; industrial activity on crown land and trappers’ compensation;...

Vol.17 No.2 

Alberta’s Water Strategy; enforcement of EAB recommendations and NRCB decisions; conflict between the oil and gas industry and agricultural landowners;...

Vol.17 No.1 

Commercial leases and landlord liability for tenants’ contamination; environmental impairment liability insurance and landfills; Where’s Alberta Environment going with our...

Vol.16 No.4 

When the cat(erpillar) gets the birds; AENV business plan; falsifying documents at wastewater treatment plant gives one day jail and...

Vol.16 No.3 

Indigenous peoples and Forest Stewardship Council certification; the adjudication of “directly affected”; stakeholder consultation and the proposed Meridian Dam; municipal...

Vol.16 No.2 

Strip malls give me gas; proposed amendments to CEAA and Aboriginal interests and perspectives; creative sentencing in Alberta; contaminated land...

Vol.16 No.1 

Helicopters “whirrying” wildlife?; sour gas public health and safety review; intensive livestock feeding operations and the Klapstein Committee; aerial pesticide...

Vol.15 No.4 

Researching environmental law on the internet; down in the dumps over the dump; Minister must give reasons for failure to...

Vol.15 No.3 

Pesticide primer and the need for federal action; liability of companies for contamination upon amalgamation and retrospectivity in BC’s Waste...

Vol.15 No.2 

When public consultation becomes pulp fiction; Species at Risk Act; FOIP fee for forestry plans waived in public interest; “mission...

Vol.15 No.1 

Alberta’s municipal taxes and habitat loss; heritage seeds; CEAA five-year review; EAB’ approach for determining Aboriginal issues incomplete; the proposed...

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