Advocating for laws that will sustain ecosystems and ensure a healthy environment

Featured Publication
Grasslands Considered: Regulatory Consideration and Protection of Alberta’s Native Grasslands

About Environmental Law Centre

Advocating for Strong Environmental Laws and Rights

The Environmental Law Centre (ELC) brings clarity to Alberta’s complex legal landscape, bringing understanding, evaluating effectiveness and enabling action. Our mission is to ensure Albertans across all walks of life are armed with the legal knowledge to take meaningful action for the environment.

Our mission is to champion laws that protect clean air, water, and a healthy environment for all Albertans. 

At ELC, we don’t just analyze the laws for what they are – we evaluate their effectiveness, compare approaches across regions, and drive innovation through our recommendations for regulatory and law reform. Discover how we simplify legal concepts and provide the tools you need to safeguard the environment.

Featured News & Blogs

Many factors drive the conversion and loss of native grasslands in Alberta. The Environmental Law Centre’s soon-to-be-published report assesses decisions...

Recently, the news has reported over 15 billion claimed in lawsuits by coal companies against the Government of Alberta. Alberta...

 Highlights: Canary in the Coal Mine? The GOA announced its initiative to modernize coal mining (on Friday before Christmas) but...

Featured Publications

Discover our latest in-depth reports and resources on environmental law, policy, and regulation. These publications offer actionable insights and innovative solutions to help you navigate and shape Canada’s environmental landscape federally and provincially.

Grasslands Considered: Regulatory Consideration and Protection of Alberta’s Native Grasslands
An Endangered Species Act for Alberta: A Draft Bill for Species at Risk Protection in the Province.

Our Work

The Environmental Law Centre (ELC) is committed to advancing environmental protection through focused research, education, and public engagement. Our work spans four core areas: Climate Change and Energy, Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Pollution and Human Health, and Environmental Rights and Principles. By providing expert legal analysis, actionable policy recommendations, and public education, we empower individuals and organizations to address pressing environmental challenges.

Whether tackling the complexities of energy transition, protecting Alberta’s rich biodiversity, or ensuring equitable access to clean air and water, our work is rooted in sound legal principles and a vision for a sustainable future. Explore each focus area to see how we shape stronger environmental laws and foster meaningful change.

Our Projects

Our Valued Partners

We enable partners to address urgent environmental challenges by offering expert legal analysis, evidence-based policy recommendations, and effective public education. Partner with us to create a more sustainable future.

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We provide objective information and respected advice on changing environmental legislation and regulations; we are one of the only charities in Alberta that provide this to Albertans.