Tag: alberta public lands

2011 in review

2011 in review   The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt:...

Twas an Alberta night before Christmas

Twas an Alberta night before Christmas   (adapted from Twas the Night Before Christmas, C. Moore or H. Livingston) Twas...

Help us get it right in 2012: A note to our friends

Help us get it right in 2012: A note to our friends   2012 will be a significant year for...

Will Statoil’s “creative sentence” prevent illegal water use?

Will Statoil’s “creative sentencing” prevent illegal water use?   Norwegian giant Statoil has pled guilty to breaching the terms of...

Seven Year Review of CEAA: An update

Seven Year Review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA): An update   A comprehensive review of the provisions and...

Court directs precaution in pesticide review case

Court directs precaution in pesticide review case   A recent decision from the Federal Court of Canada is notable for...

ALSA: Digging Deeper (Webinar)

Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA): Digging Deeper (Webinar)   The Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA), which provides the legal framework...

Vol. 26 No. 4

Who governs the government?; challenging administrative decisions; remedies through judicial review; public participation update, standing and costs

Vol. 26 No. 3 

Where do laws come from?; Is this a law?; reading and interpreting statutes and regulations; rights to participate in municipal...

Vol. 26 No. 2

Grassland management; recreation and water; the Greater Sage Grouse; water transfers; contaminated land regulation

ELC launches public interest standing project

ELC launches public interest standing project   “Standing”: Basically the right to a hearing. Greatly in need of law reform....

Vol. 26 No. 1

What is standing and why should you care?; Alberta’s energy regulators split on common mandate; the ERCB and consistency in...

What does the future hold for the Alberta Land Stewardship Act?

What does the future hold for the Alberta Land Stewardship Act?   Two weeks have passed since Alison Redford became...

Cumulative environmental defects

Cumulative environmental defects   The Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development released a report yesterday covering the federal government’s...

The one-two punch for Alberta’s Woodland Caribou

The one-two punch for Alberta’s Woodland Caribou   Within the past 7 days the federal and provincial governments published documents...

Lower Athabasca Regional Plan: Conservation areas mean something

Lower Athabasca Regional Plan: Conservation areas mean something   A Draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan has barely been public for...

2011 – Nuclear Power in the Prairies
Alberta Government puts $5m toward conservation easements

Alberta Government puts $5m toward conservation easements   A recent media release indicates that the Government of Alberta has created...

Emergency order: Court wonders why some caribou herds need not survive

Emergency order: Court wonders why some caribou herds need not survive   A recent decision of the Federal Court has...

Buffalo Lake Integrated Shoreland Management Plan: A model for lake management?

Buffalo Lake Integrated Shoreland Management Plan: A model for lake management?   The Government of Alberta recently published the Buffalo...

Timelines placed on federal comprehensive studies

Timelines placed on federal comprehensive studies   The Establishing Timelines for Comprehensive Studies Regulations under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act...

Support Stronger Environmental Legislation

We provide objective information and respected advice on changing environmental legislation and regulations; we are one of the only charities in Alberta that provide this to Albertans.