The ELC’s Alberta EnviroLaw Connect newsletter is issued once or twice a year to provide updates on ongoing projects and activities. It is available for download here.
It’s every homeowner’s nightmare: You buy a home, move in, then find out there’s an abandoned gas well beneath, leaking...
Municipal powers, reclamation orders and the effects of AER
...Northern Gateway, Grousing about Caribou and Timely Reclamation
...In which we provide the correct link to read more about environmental groups being denied standing on water appeals.
...Mud-boggers, SAGD and standing, oh my!
...Join us in celebrating 30 years of excellence! Our 2012 Annual Report is now available.
...You won’t believe how many well sites are abandoned in Alberta. Read this issue to find out why you should...
Looking back at 30 years of environmental law; conservation easements in Alberta; governance for environmental outcomes; back to the Oldman...
Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012; Fisheries Act changes; Alberta’s single energy regulator;
...Charities and political activity; Northern Gateway Project and the joint review process; assessing environmental risks; Enbridge risk assessment; super-boards and...
Taking the political route; environmental platforms; SLAPP suits; getting heard through petitions; lessons learned from “Potatogate”
...Who governs the government?; challenging administrative decisions; remedies through judicial review; public participation update, standing and costs
...Where do laws come from?; Is this a law?; reading and interpreting statutes and regulations; rights to participate in municipal...
We provide objective information and respected advice on changing environmental legislation and regulations; we are one of the only charities in Alberta that provide this to Albertans.