Tag: Wilderness Areas

Is federal environmental protection keeping pace with resource development?

Is federal environmental protection keeping pace with resource development? The answer seems to be NO. The most recent Report of...

The story of Caribou policy in action, or is that inaction

The story of Caribou policy in action, or is that inaction   A recent story of a road being built...

University of Alberta law students win 2nd annual Twitter Moot, donate prize to ELC

University of Alberta law students win 2nd annual Twitter Moot, donate prize to ELC   On November 20th 2012 five...

2012 in review

2012 in review   The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt...

2013 – A Model Environmental and Sustainability Assessment Law (Annotated Version)
2013 – A Model Environmental and Sustainability Assessment Law (without annotations)
Introduction to the ELC
An environmental tune to celebrate the season

An environmental tune to celebrate the season   Last year we had “Twas an Alberta night before Christmas” – this...

Creditor protection versus polluter pays: Laws leave environment cash strapped

Creditor protection versus polluter pays: Laws leave environment cash strapped   The Environmental Law Centre promotes the polluter pays principle...

30 in 30 Exceeds Goals – Thanks to You!

30 in 30 Exceeds Goals – Thanks to You!   We are so grateful to our wonderful supporters who helped...

“30 in 30” campaign: Halfway there but we still need your help!

“30 in 30” campaign: Halfway there but we still need your help!   Donate Now! As you may already know,...

A lifetime’s work: Why Cindy works at the Environmental Law Centre

A lifetime’s work: Why Cindy Chiasson works at the Environmental Law Centre   Cindy Chiasson: I guess I qualify as...

Who needs science when we have propaganda?

Who needs science when we have propaganda?   A recent news report indicates that the federal government intends to spend...

Not your typical lawyer: Find out why one of our team chooses charity and why you should too

Not your typical lawyer: Find out why one of our team chooses charity and why you should too   I’ve...

Back on the omnibus with Bill C-45: Another omnibus budget bill drives more change to federal environmental law

Back on the omnibus with Bill C-45: Another omnibus budget bill drives more change to federal environmental law   As...

Vol. 27 No. 4

Looking back at 30 years of environmental law; conservation easements in Alberta; governance for environmental outcomes; back to the Oldman...

Vol. 27 No. 3

Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012; Fisheries Act changes; Alberta’s single energy regulator;

Vol. 27 No. 2

Charities and political activity; Northern Gateway Project and the joint review process; assessing environmental risks; Enbridge risk assessment; super-boards and...

Vol. 27 No. 1

Taking the political route; environmental platforms; SLAPP suits; getting heard through petitions; lessons learned from “Potatogate”

Single energy regulator bill a poor deal for Alberta’s environment

Single energy regulator bill a poor deal for Alberta’s environment   Last week, the Alberta government introduced Bill 2, the...

Navigable waters may be litigable waters if Bill C-45 passes

Navigable waters may be litigable waters if Bill C-45 passes   As has been widely reported, the second omnibus budget...

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We provide objective information and respected advice on changing environmental legislation and regulations; we are one of the only charities in Alberta that provide this to Albertans.