Empowering Municipalities for Environmental Management, Municipal Government Act Consultations 2014 The ELC recognizes the important role that municipalities have...
Wellsite ordered reclaimed: in for a penny, now about that pound While the recently issued Environmental Protection Order that...
Canada’s proposed Fisheries Act regulations: do the feds want “out” of s.91(12) of the Constitution Act? Section 91 (12)...
The Federal Court finds unlawful delay by the government under the Species at Risk Act In our recent post...
Question: Who wants to know about oil spills? Answer: No one who doesn’t ask. Here’s a little story from...
Municipal Government Act consultations announced Municipalities have the potential to play a key role in environmental protection. Many private...
Northern Gateway, Grousing about Caribou and Timely Reclamation
...An overview of the Northern Gateway decision report The proposed Northern Gateway Project (the “Project”) consists of two pipelines...
2013 in review The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt:...
2013: environmental law and policy, the year in brief …. may 2014 bring us greater environmental protection Reflecting on...
Grousing about the value of species or “how much for that caribou in the window?” The first emergency protection...
Roxanne’s story: What your donations support When Roxanne Walsh first contacted the Environmental Law Centre on October 24, 2006,...
Changes to Fisheries Act take effect November 25 As part of its Omnibus Budget Bill last year, the government...
Is the federal government protecting Canada’s national heritage? Fall 2013 Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development...
An update on amendments to federal environmental assessment laws Following public consultation on proposed amendments earlier this year, the...
South Saskatchewan Regional Plan tests the Land Use Framework The Draft South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (Draft SSRP) is a...
Pembina ruling shines spotlight on need for reform This week, the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench issued a ruling...
We provide objective information and respected advice on changing environmental legislation and regulations; we are one of the only charities in Alberta that provide this to Albertans.