Tag: South Saskatchewan Regional Plan

Climate Change and the Law: An Introduction to Mitigation in Alberta by Rebecca Kauffman
ELC presents Green Regs and Ham: Coastal Conundrums April 15, Edmonton

ELC presents Green Regs and Ham: Coastal Conundrums April 15, Edmonton   THIS EVENT IS NOW OVER. Please check here...

Moving from Conversion to Conservation: Intermunicipal Planning and Agricultural Lands

Moving from Conversion to Conservation: Intermunicipal Planning and Agricultural Lands   Alberta has lost and continues to lose valuable agricultural...

Climate Change Litigation in Canada: Environnement Jeunesse v. Canada

Climate Change Litigation in Canada: Environnement Jeunesse v. Canada   This past November, ENvironnement JEUnesse (ENJEU), an environmental nonprofit in...

Keeping up the PACE: An Update on the Pace Program and Associated Regulations

Keeping up the PACE: An Update on the Pace Program and Associated Regulations   A previous blog post “Picking up...

Future Flows
Future Flows: maintaining environmental flows through precaution and adaptation

Future Flows: maintaining environmental flows through precaution and adaptation   The Environmental Law Centre is calling for a rethinking of...

Future Flows: Climate resilience, environmental flows and Alberta’s water law
Future Flows: Climate resilience, environmental flows and Alberta’s water law
The Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development Reports: Fall 2018 Edition

The Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development Reports: Fall 2018 Edition   In late 2018, the Commissioner of Environment...

New Small Scale Generation Regulation aims to fill the gap between micro-generation and large utility companies

New Small Scale Generation Regulation aims to fill the gap between micro-generation and large utility companies   On November 22,...

ELC Regulatory Watch: Municipality denies wind farm permit

ELC Regulatory Watch: MD of Pincher Creek denies Windy Point Wind Farm Development Permits   As part of the Alberta...

Interaction of Environmental Rights & Property Rights
Alberta Energy Regulator finalizes new Methane Requirements for Upstream Oil and Gas

Alberta Energy Regulator finalizes new Methane Requirements for Upstream Oil and Gas   As set out in Alberta Energy Regulator...

Reclaiming Tomorrow Today
ELC Regulatory Watch: Upcoming AER appeal will shed light on EPEA approval amendments

ELC Regulatory Watch: Upcoming AER appeal will shed light on EPEA approval amendments   The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) recently...

Habitat, what habitat? The Greater Sage-Grouse emergency order and a call for heightened due diligence [Revised]

Habitat, what habitat? The Greater Sage-Grouse emergency order and a call for heightened due diligence [Revised]   This story is...

Groundwater sustainability: evolving groundwater policy and regulation for Alberta

Groundwater sustainability: evolving groundwater policy and regulation for Alberta   Groundwater management in Alberta is governed by a wide variety...

Groundwater Policy and Planning in Alberta: a path forward for sustainable groundwater management and protection
Science and impact assessment: Green Regs and Ham

Science and impact assessment: Green Regs and Ham THIS EVENT IS NOW OVER. Here are just a couple of the...

Green Regs and Ham: October 25, 2018 in Calgary: Science, Decision Making & the Law

Science, Decision Making & the Law The Impact Assessment Cat in the Science Hat   THIS EVENT IS NOW OVER...

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We provide objective information and respected advice on changing environmental legislation and regulations; we are one of the only charities in Alberta that provide this to Albertans.