The ELC’s Alberta EnviroLaw Connect newsletter is issued once or twice a year to provide updates on ongoing projects and activities. It is available for download here.
Pesticide primer and the need for federal action; liability of companies for contamination upon amalgamation and retrospectivity in BC’s Waste...
When public consultation becomes pulp fiction; Species at Risk Act; FOIP fee for forestry plans waived in public interest; “mission...
Alberta’s municipal taxes and habitat loss; heritage seeds; CEAA five-year review; EAB’ approach for determining Aboriginal issues incomplete; the proposed...
CEPA review; public land berry pickers; wellsite reclamation review; environmental orders and actions affecting real estate; troublemakers; Minister rejects recommendations...
Is municipality spraying by the rules?; trade agreements and bulk water exports; the latest from the Livestock Regulations Stakeholder Advisory...
Occupier’s liability and natural land; Banks say: You’re clean? Show us the certificate!; court sets aside Director’s decision varying approval;...
New limitation period added to EPEA; farming, well water and eater rights; proposed regulatory framework for livestock feeding operations; CEPA...
A snapshot of the new Water Act; range improvements and timber harvesting; water rights under the Water Act; keeping secrets;...
New amendments to EPEA; regulating intensive livestock operations; information on the new Water Act; bridges and roads; timber permit quashed...
Government proposes move to reclamation audit system; tree trespass; EAB outlines test for reconsideration; FOIP protects identity of Special Places...
Bankruptcy and insolvency amendments affect environmental liability of trustees and receivers; U-pick owner troubled by proposed feeder and weaner operation;...
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