
The ELC’s Alberta EnviroLaw Connect newsletter is issued once or twice a year to provide updates on ongoing projects and activities. It is available for download here.



Content Type

Vol. 26 No. 2

Grassland management; recreation and water; the Greater Sage Grouse; water transfers; contaminated land regulation

Vol. 26 No. 1

What is standing and why should you care?; Alberta’s energy regulators split on common mandate; the ERCB and consistency in...

Vol. 25 No. 1

“Rac”king our brain over oilsands country; interpreting the Land Use Framework; Lower Athabasca Regional Plan and biodiversity doublespeak

Vol. 24 No. 4

Alberta’s new land use planning process begins; provincial water allocation review; Environmental Bill of Rights enters Parliament; nuclear in Alberta

Vol. 24 No.3

Bill 50 delivers shocks to the electricity planning process; Court of Appeal opens ERCB’s standing door a crack; feds face...

Vol. 24 No. 2

Private claims vs. public interest and environmental protections; the federal government’s responsibility to to report on pollution from the mining...

Vol. 24 No. 1

Tougher fines for federal environmental offences; BC aquaculture laws found unconstitutional; species at risk in Suffield National Wildlife Area

Vol.23 No.5 

Kyoto Implementation Act is a matter for Parliament; energy micro-generation in Alberta; climate change and water management in Alberta; no...

Vol.23 No.3 

Equity and the Water Act; flurry of Aboriginal litigation hits Alberta; initiating investigations under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act;...

Vol.23 No.2 

Our vision for land use planning in Alberta; subsurface mineral sales in BC; land use planning and fish; Strathcona County’s...

Vol.23 No. 1

Oilsands appeal provides little clarity; water diversions, licences, property transactions and water sales; Federal Court finds CEAA amendments alter government’s...

Vol.23 No.4 

Environmental impacts of new nuclear power projects; Court of Appeal confirms regulation is of limited use; nuisance claims may be...

Vol.22 No.4 

EUB turns down energy project; oilsands consultation completed, now what?; EUB updates Eastern Slopes policy and proposes pilot project; Alberta’s...

Vol.22 No.3 

Siting concerns regarding nuclear energy; greenhouse gas regulation 101; EAB approvals must support higher goals; lawsuit launched against Canada for...

Vol.22 No.2 

Oilsands development planning; oilsands and water; oilsands and reclamation; governing the oilsands; a backgrounder on oilsands consultations

Vol.22 No.1

Alberta’s initial steps toward watershed management planning calls for public input in oilsands development; a regulatory framework for nuclear power...

Vol.21 No.4 

Clean Air Act weak on greenhouse gas emissions; EUB warns against form letters in intervener submissions; plants may force Alberta...

Vol.21 No.3 
Vol.21 No.2 

Access to EAB process; emissions trading regulation now in force; oilfield injection of fresh water policy and guidelines released; new...

Vol.21 No.1 

NRCB revises to respond to AOPA concerns; trespass and directional drilling; federal “smart regulation”

Vol.20 No.5 

Judicial scrutiny of environmental assessment in Alberta; environmental disasters and Lake Wabamun


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