Explore our blog’s thought-provoking insights on environmental law, policy, and reform.
From emerging legal trends to in-depth analysis of pressing issues, our posts provide valuable perspectives for advocates, lawyers, and policymakers working to protect Alberta’s environment.
NOTICE – SUMMER LAW STUDENT POSITION Accepting Applications for mid June to August 2021 Summer Law Student Placement APPLICATION...
The Inquiry Into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns: What’s Next? In July 2019, shortly after the provincial election, the Kenney government...
An Update to CEPA – A long time coming or too little, too late? On April 13, 2021, the...
ELC’s Written Submission on the Coal Policy The Environmental Law Centre (ELC) is Alberta’s oldest public interest environmental law...
I Read the Carbon Tax Decision So You Don’t Have To: A Detailed Summary of the Main Issues On...
Take a Stand, Make Decisions Better: Alberta Court of Appeal reboots standing test of the Alberta Environmental Appeals Board Normtek...
Alberta’s Agricultural Lands: A Policy Toolbox for Moving from Conversion to Conservation Now Available:Alberta’s Agricultural Lands A Policy Toolbox...
Procedural Fairness and the Inquiry into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns We hear a lot these days about the rule...
Alberta’s Oil & Gas Liability Management Framework: Changes to Oil and Gas Conservation Rules, the Pipeline Rules, and Directive 067...
The Carbon Tax Reference: A Primer (Part 2) PART TWO: IS THE ACT CONSTITUTIONAL? This is the second in...
The Carbon Tax Reference: A Primer (Part 1) INTRODUCTION The carbon tax has become one of the most controversial...
NOTE: Photo of Strokkur geyser in Iceland, courtesy pixabay.com Bill 36: Geothermal Resource Development Act How does it compare to...
Climate Litigation in Canada – An Update Earlier this month, we released a blog post on climate litigation in...
NOTE: Photo of Strokkur geyser in Iceland, courtesy pixabay.com JOIN US FOR AN ELC WEBINAR Gaining Steam: A Regulatory and...
Still can’t see the forest for the timber: Bill 40: Forests (Growing Alberta’s Forest Sector) Amendment Act In late...
Climate Litigation in Canada and beyond – Where are we in 2020? This is the fifth post in our recent...
NOTE: Photo of Strokkur geyser in Iceland, courtesy pixabay.com New ELC PublicationGaining Steam: A Regulatory and Policy Framework for Geothermal...
The Supreme Court of Canada prevents a SLAPP-ing Decision considered: 1704604 Ontario Ltd. v Pointes Protection Association, 2020 SCC...
Updates on Oil & Gas Liability and Rehabilitation in Alberta It is no secret that Alberta has an oil...
Optimizing Alberta Parks?? Without Public Consultation, the Government has announced removal of 175 sites from the parks system As a...
We provide objective information and respected advice on changing environmental legislation and regulations; we are one of the only charities in Alberta that provide this to Albertans.