Sun & the Law: Harnessing Germany’s Solar Power for Alberta If we are going to successfully pursue our climate goals, clearly, society needs to shift away from fossil fuels...
ELC Webinars, Videos and Presentations The Environmental Law Centre offers the following recorded videos and webinars for your reference. An Endangered Species Act for Act: A draft...
Impact Assessment, the Canadian Energy Regulator & Navigable Waters: An Overview of what was Bill C-69 and now is Law What is Bill C-69? In response to significant...
Science, Decision Making & the Law The Impact Assessment Cat in the Science Hat THIS EVENT IS NOW OVER Although science is crucial to the integrity of environmental...
Climate Change Blog Series: Update on Recent Developments in Climate Change Law & Policy This is the twelfth post in the Environmental Law Centre’s blog series exploring climate change...
Mind the Gap: The Municipal Government Act needs to bridge environmental management The ongoing review of Alberta’s Municipal Government Act (MGA), along with the proposed amendments introduced in Bill...
ELC Publications Available to Download The Environmental Law Centre offers the following publications available for download at no charge to you. Previous ELC Publications The...
Pollution Pocketbook #2: Polluter Pays Principle – Determining when polluters should pay — “there’s no free lunch” Pollution pocketbook is a short blog series regarding how our laws and...
Another government consultation? Why Albertans need to speak up about the new energy regulator. Many of you may have missed the most recent news about Alberta’s single energy regulator,...
Another government consultation? Why Albertans need to speak up about the new energy regulator. Many of you may have missed the most recent news about Alberta’s single energy regulator,...