Pollution Management and Contaminated Sites in Alberta: Current Challenges, Jurisdictional Approaches and Law Reforms

The Environmental Law Centre invites you to join our webinar discussion around contaminated sites and the law on February 27, 2024 at 12:00pm.

Register here 

Alberta has thousands of estimated contaminated sites throughout the province, not including oil and gas facilities (also termed as brownfield properties). Identifying and managing these contaminated sites is a complex task with various technical, financial, legal and social challenges. Yet, there has never been a more important time to tackle them.

The Environmental Law Centre, in our report The Regulation of Pollution and Contaminated Sites in Alberta, reviews the environmental laws that currently govern pollution and contaminated sites in the province, identifies issues and challenges with these laws, and makes recommendations for reform. This report considers regulatory approaches taken in other provinces and elsewhere in the world to inform law reform recommendations that can move Alberta to a new approach to contaminated site and pollution management.

The following issues and challenges for the regulation of contaminated sites are identified:

  • A lack of proactive identification of contaminated sites;
  • Uneven public access to environmental site information;
  • Uncertainty with respect to who qualifies as a “person responsible” for a substance release under EPEA;
  • Absence of guiding policy around the allocation of remediation costs with respect to an Environmental Protection Order;
  • Lack of regulation for risk management through exposure control at contaminated sites; and
  • A failure to capture the true costs of a substance release and its environmental harms over time.

Join Kyra Leuschen and Jason Unger for a discussion of the report, the challenges, and the path forward for more proactive and effective pollution and contaminated sites management in Alberta.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 12:00pm

Register Here:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lsP7jhOISieKRRYJMjR3HQ  

About the ELC

The ELC is an environmental non-profit that provides public legal education and seeks law reform for a sustainable future. We have been providing high-quality legal research and analysis on environmental challenges for over 40 years. As a charity, the Environmental Law Centre depends on your financial support. Help us to continue to educate and champion for strong environmental laws, through tools such as our blog and all of our other resources, so that all Albertans can enjoy a healthy environment. Your support makes a difference. Donate online today

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