NEB begins cross-country consultation on pipeline safety
The National Energy Board (the “NEB”) recently began its public engagement initiative relating to pipeline safety [the information about the cross-country engagement initiative in this blog post was gathered from the NEB’s website at ]. The NEB seeks public input on pipeline safety and environmental protection with particular emphasis on:
- improving the safety of pipelines regulated by the NEB,
- promoting environmental protection,
- engaging with landowners and people who live near pipelines, and
- keeping Canadians informed about the topic they care about.
What is happening?
Early this year, the NEB will be meeting with Canadians in every province and the North to gather feedback and suggestions for improving its pipeline safety program. According to the NEB, it intends to meet with interested groups including municipal and provincial leaders, Aboriginal organizations, environment groups, first responders and academics. As well, the NEB intends to meet with professional and industry organizations.
How can you share your ideas?
The NEB is inviting comments from the general public via email []. As well, an online discussion forum is available at The online forum allows individuals to post comments, concerns and suggestions on pipeline safety and environmental protection.
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