Greenhouse Gas Roundup – Part II: Agriculture (Webinar)

Greenhouse Gas Roundup – Part II: Agriculture (Webinar)


If you’re like many Albertans, you’re probably asking yourself some pretty important questions about climate change.  The most overdue questions may be about soil not oil. For example:

  • How can agricultural producers participate in the carbon market?
  • Will international climate change agreements influence land use activities?
  • Could more land users be regulated for emissions reduction as seen in the energy sector?

Whether you’re a producer, a regulated emitter, or just a concerned citizen, you will find value in this second installment of Greenhouse Gas Roundup – a three-part webinar series led by ELC Staff Counsel Adam Driedzic. No legal training is required and there are no dumb questions.

Part I, held February 10, 2010, covered the basics of carbon markets and compared these schemes against more established means of environmental protection.  Part II enters new ground: opportunities to sell credits from biological carbon storage, but also liabilities that could attach to agricultural practices.  A third and final session scheduled for June 9 will continue topics of interest to workshop participants.

Where: Online

When: April 14, 2010 from 12:00 to 1:00pm

This event is free. Click here to register.

Leave us a comment:  What would you like to know about greenhouse gas and climate change law?




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