Help us get it right in 2012:
A note to our friends
2012 will be a significant year for our environment. Political change is in the wind, a provincial election is coming, and Alberta is under pressure internally, nationally and internationally to demonstrate effective environmental stewardship and strong regulatory leadership. We are coming to key decision points on issues of public interest, including water use and allocation and future land use and management. More Albertans are pushing to have a say and have their views included in decision-making.

All of this shapes up to offer a huge opportunity to Albertans to get things right through environmental law and policy. At the Environmental Law Centre, we’re working long-term to build an Alberta where the environment is a priority that guides our choices as a society. We want Alberta to have strong and effective environmental laws, policies and legal processes. We want Albertans to be actively and meaningfully engaged in decisions and processes that affect our environment. In 2012, our work will:
- give all Albertans tools to better access environmental information from government sources;
- help conservation groups in southern Alberta protect water sources through the land use planning process;
- bring forward important law reform recommendations to improve early environmental assessment of projects and activities, ensure timely reclamation of oil and gas activities and expand public interest participation in regulatory proceedings; and
- better inform and educate Albertans on environmental law and policy.
The environment is inherently public. Where decisions can potentially affect the water, land, air and other elements we depend on for life and well-being, broad public concern is inevitably aroused. Our work on environmental law and policy is an important piece of the bigger picture, but we can’t do it alone. We need your help.
Your donation will help us and all Albertans we serve get it right for a safe and healthy environment for all of us. You can donate by visiting our secure donations webpage at SUPPORT ELC. A visit to our blog will update you on our recent activities and our 2010 annual report can be accessed at 2010 Annual Report.
Thank you for your support and your interest in Alberta’s environment. We want to get it right for Albertans and our future generations and with your help, we can.
Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season. Here’s to a great environmental year for Alberta in 2012!
Cindy Chiasson, Executive Director
The Environmental Law Centre (ELC) has been seeking strong and effective environmental laws since it was founded in 1982. The ELC is dedicated to providing credible, comprehensive and objective legal information regarding natural resources, energy and environmental law, policy and regulation in Alberta. The ELC’s mission is to educate and champion for strong laws and rights so all Albertans can enjoy clean water, clean air and a healthy environment. Our vision is a society where laws secure an environment that sustains current and future generations.
As a charity, the Environmental Law Centre depends on your financial support. Help us to continue to educate and champion for strong environmental laws, through tools such as our blog and all of our other resources, so that all Albertans can enjoy a healthy environment. Your support makes a difference.
Donate online today