Pollution and Human Health

Strong environmental laws start with clean air, safe water, and thriving communities. Discover the legal strategies that tackle pollution, manage contaminated sites, and guide sustainable development for healthier, safer communities.

About the Topic

Clean air, safe water, and a healthy environment are fundamental rights for every Albertan.

At the Environmental Law Centre, we believe legal frameworks are essential to protect these rights and to address hazardous substance pollution and risks to human health.

Our research empowers advocates, lawyers, and communities with tools to fight environmental degradation and promote sustainable development. From improving pollution laws to advancing environmental policies, we work to ensure Alberta’s communities are safe, healthy, and vibrant. Together, we can uphold the right to a cleaner, healthier future for everyone.

Our Latest Work on Pollution and Human Health

(Photo: Horia Varlan from Bucharest, Romania, CC BY 2.0) ___________________________________________________________________________   Attempts by the federal government to tackle plastic pollution...

Our Latest Publications on Pollution and Human Health

Water Law in Alberta: A Comprehensive Guide (Full Guide)
The Regulation of Pollution and Contaminated Sites in Alberta

Support Stronger Environmental Legislation

We provide objective information and respected advice on changing environmental legislation and regulations; we are one of the only charities in Alberta that provide this to Albertans.