Shaping Environmental Policy for a Sustainable Future
From policy research to legal analysis, our work drives meaningful change in environmental law. Explore our comprehensive resources, including reports, publications, and research, that support advocates, lawyers, and policymakers in advancing environmental protection.
Occupier’s liability and natural land; Banks say: You’re clean? Show us the certificate!; court sets aside Director’s decision varying approval;...
New limitation period added to EPEA; farming, well water and eater rights; proposed regulatory framework for livestock feeding operations; CEPA...
Using the experience gained from the Community Monitoring Project pilot programs, the ELC developed the Community Action packages as tools...
A snapshot of the new Water Act; range improvements and timber harvesting; water rights under the Water Act; keeping secrets;...
New amendments to EPEA; regulating intensive livestock operations; information on the new Water Act; bridges and roads; timber permit quashed...
Government proposes move to reclamation audit system; tree trespass; EAB outlines test for reconsideration; FOIP protects identity of Special Places...
Bankruptcy and insolvency amendments affect environmental liability of trustees and receivers; U-pick owner troubled by proposed feeder and weaner operation;...
We provide objective information and respected advice on changing environmental legislation and regulations; we are one of the only charities in Alberta that provide this to Albertans.