Shaping Environmental Policy for a Sustainable Future
From policy research to legal analysis, our work drives meaningful change in environmental law. Explore our comprehensive resources, including reports, publications, and research, that support advocates, lawyers, and policymakers in advancing environmental protection.
Oilsands development planning; oilsands and water; oilsands and reclamation; governing the oilsands; a backgrounder on oilsands consultations
...Alberta’s initial steps toward watershed management planning calls for public input in oilsands development; a regulatory framework for nuclear power...
The Environmental Law Centre’s “fact sheet” series is made possible by grants from the Alberta Law Foundation, the Alberta Real...
The Environmental Law Centre’s “fact sheet” series is made possible by grants from the Alberta Law Foundation, the Alberta Real...
The Environmental Law Centre’s “fact sheet” series is made possible by grants from the Alberta Law Foundation, the Alberta Real...
The Environmental Law Centre’s “fact sheet” series is made possible by grants from the Alberta Law Foundation, the Alberta Real...
The Environmental Law Centre’s “fact sheet” series is made possible by grants from the Alberta Law Foundation, the Alberta Real...
The Environmental Law Centre’s “fact sheet” series is made possible by grants from the Alberta Law Foundation, the Alberta Real...
Government fails to consult Dene Tha’ on Mackenzie gas project; initial promise of Fisheries Act 2007 not substantiated; new reporting...
Clean Air Act weak on greenhouse gas emissions; EUB warns against form letters in intervener submissions; plants may force Alberta...
Access to EAB process; emissions trading regulation now in force; oilfield injection of fresh water policy and guidelines released; new...
NRCB revises to respond to AOPA concerns; trespass and directional drilling; federal “smart regulation”
...Judicial scrutiny of environmental assessment in Alberta; environmental disasters and Lake Wabamun
...EUB changes enforcement policy; DFO sets mew policy course for Fisheries Act enforcement; putting the brakes on subdivision; EAB decision...
Ticketing for environmental offenses; EUB give conditional green light on sour gas wells outside Calgary; deterrence of environmental offenses; regulatory...
Alberta – BC environmental harmonization; legal, practical and political implications of the Species at Risk Act; Court of Appeal clarifies...
“Harmony” in toxic substance regulation muddles CEPA 1999 five-year review; group standing that the EAB; message for the Minister of...
Municipal law and environmental protection; mold matters; ELC assessment of EAB accessibility nears completion; EAB to consider changes to Cheviot...
Animal welfare law reform stalled in Parliament; conservation easements – benefits and barriers; court affirms purpose of Alberta’s EIA process;...
We provide objective information and respected advice on changing environmental legislation and regulations; we are one of the only charities in Alberta that provide this to Albertans.