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Shaping Environmental Policy for a Sustainable Future

From policy research to legal analysis, our work drives meaningful change in environmental law. Explore our comprehensive resources, including reports, publications, and research, that support advocates, lawyers, and policymakers in advancing environmental protection.



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ALSA Q&A – How are Council Members chosen?

ALSA Q&A – How are Regional Advisory Council Members chosen?   By: Cindy Chiasson Question How will the members of...

Moving Past the Tipping Point – Alberta’s new land use system

Moving Past the Tipping Point – Alberta’s new land use system   By: Cindy Chiasson Alberta’s lands have been subject...

Are Canadian waterways subject to public rights?

Are Canadian waterways subject to public rights?   By Laura Bowman The Navigable Waters Protection Act (NWPA) has existed since...

Bill 50 delivers shocks to transmission approvals in Alberta

Bill 50 delivers shocks to transmission approvals in Alberta   Are you confused about what Bill 50 is and how...

Environmental Bill of Rights enters Parliament

Environmental Bill of Rights enters Parliament   By Adam Driedzic Look forward to 2010, especially the list of Private Members’...

Moving Past the Tipping Point – Alberta’s new land use system
2010 – Consistency and Accountability in Implementing Watershed Plans in Alberta: A jurisdictional review and recommendations for reform
Hello and welcome!

Hello and welcome to the ELC blog!   After months of deliberation and preparation, the Environmental Law Centre is happy...

Vol. 24 No. 4

Alberta’s new land use planning process begins; provincial water allocation review; Environmental Bill of Rights enters Parliament; nuclear in Alberta

Vol. 24 No.3

Bill 50 delivers shocks to the electricity planning process; Court of Appeal opens ERCB’s standing door a crack; feds face...

Vol. 24 No. 2

Private claims vs. public interest and environmental protections; the federal government’s responsibility to to report on pollution from the mining...

Vol. 24 No. 1

Tougher fines for federal environmental offences; BC aquaculture laws found unconstitutional; species at risk in Suffield National Wildlife Area

2010 – A Guide to Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making in Alberta
Vol.23 No.5 

Kyoto Implementation Act is a matter for Parliament; energy micro-generation in Alberta; climate change and water management in Alberta; no...

Vol.23 No.3 

Equity and the Water Act; flurry of Aboriginal litigation hits Alberta; initiating investigations under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act;...

Vol.23 No.2 

Our vision for land use planning in Alberta; subsurface mineral sales in BC; land use planning and fish; Strathcona County’s...

Vol.23 No. 1

Oilsands appeal provides little clarity; water diversions, licences, property transactions and water sales; Federal Court finds CEAA amendments alter government’s...

Vol.23 No.4 

Environmental impacts of new nuclear power projects; Court of Appeal confirms regulation is of limited use; nuisance claims may be...

2008 – Legal Aspects of Conservation Easements
Vol.22 No.4 

EUB turns down energy project; oilsands consultation completed, now what?; EUB updates Eastern Slopes policy and proposes pilot project; Alberta’s...

Vol.22 No.3 

Siting concerns regarding nuclear energy; greenhouse gas regulation 101; EAB approvals must support higher goals; lawsuit launched against Canada for...

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