Shaping Environmental Policy for a Sustainable Future
From policy research to legal analysis, our work drives meaningful change in environmental law. Explore our comprehensive resources, including reports, publications, and research, that support advocates, lawyers, and policymakers in advancing environmental protection.
Alberta’s coal fired power debacle By Laura Bowman, Staff Counsel In all the talk about GHGs and contaminants from...
Updates Here are some updates on previous blog posts compiled by Laura Bowman, Staff Counsel at the ELC: The...
We need an independent environmental protection and monitoring agency with teeth By Laura Bowman Staff Counsel Given all of...
2010 CLawBies – Canadian Law Blog Awards What a great way to start 2011! The Enviromental Law Centre’s blog...
2010 in review The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a...
Show me the money! By Jason Unger, Staff Counsel Dealing daily with policy and regulation it is easy to...
RSC Report: Science, regulation and the precautionary principle By Laura Bowman and Jason Unger Earlier this week the Royal...
Leah’s picks for the 2010 ClawBies (In case you don’t know about them, you can read about the CLawBies...
It’s your environment, too. Help us protect it. Recently I was at my parents’ house in small-town Alberta for...
Killer whale judgment released – Canada still has responsible government David Suzuki Foundation et al. v. Canada (Minister of...
We “RAC”ked our brains to bring you the latest issue of News Brief We are very pleased to announce...
Update: Irrigation District allowed to sell its water As of November 18, 2010, Alberta environment has approved the Eastern...
The cumulative impacts of liquor stores and oilsands A recent Alberta Court of Appeal “leave to appeal” decision deals...
Alberta Court of Appeal to consider two more decisions on standing before the ERCB By Laura Bowman, Staff Counsel...
End of the line for Caribou in Jasper – Maligne Lake Road Despite the declines of caribou in Jasper,...
How a change of plans can jeopardize environmental goals: The trouble with results-based environmental management Published in Alberta Oil...
Time to apply ‘polluter pays’ principle Edmonton Journal November 7, 2010 Re: “Good call on carbon-capture liability,” Opinion, Nov. 3....
“Rac”king our brain over oilsands country; interpreting the Land Use Framework; Lower Athabasca Regional Plan and biodiversity doublespeak
...Synergy 2010 Conference Follow Up Adam Driedzic, Staff Counsel at the ELC, recently presented at the Synergy Alberta 2010...
Everyone DUCK! The notion that tailings pond duck deaths should be trivialized because of how many birds die through...
We provide objective information and respected advice on changing environmental legislation and regulations; we are one of the only charities in Alberta that provide this to Albertans.