The ELC’s Alberta EnviroLaw Connect newsletter is issued once or twice a year to provide updates on ongoing projects and activities. It is available for download here.
![]() Spring 2020 EnviroLawConnect Spring 2020 EnviroLawConnect Published: May 4th, 2020 |
![]() Spring 2019 EnviroLawConnect Spring 2019 EnviroLawConnect Published: May 22nd, 2019 |
![]() Spring 2018 EnviroLawConnect Spring 2018 EnviroLawConnect |
![]() Spring 2017 EnviroLawConnect Spring 2017 EnviroLawConnect |
News Brief – February 2014
What Lies Beneath? Buyer Beware.
News Brief – October 2014
News Brief – April 2014
News Brief – March 2014
News Brief – January 2014
Correction! News Brief – Environment Week Edition
News Brief – Environment Week Edition
2012 Annual Report
News Brief – Earth Day Edition
Vol. 27 No. 1
Taking the political route; environmental platforms; SLAPP suits; getting heard through petitions; lessons learned from “Potatogate”
Charities and political activity; Northern Gateway Project and the joint review process; assessing environmental risks; Enbridge risk assessment; super-boards and public participation; how to “hijack” a hearing
Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012; Fisheries Act changes; Alberta’s single energy regulator;
Looking back at 30 years of environmental law; conservation easements in Alberta; governance for environmental outcomes; back to the Oldman River; a look back at the Whaleback hearing; reflections on multi-stakeholder consensus-based decision-making in Alberta
What is standing and why should you care?; Alberta’s energy regulators split on common mandate; the ERCB and consistency in awarding costs; public interest access to transmission approvals
Grassland management; recreation and water; the Greater Sage Grouse; water transfers; contaminated land regulation
Where do laws come from?; Is this a law?; reading and interpreting statutes and regulations; rights to participate in municipal planning; future of Edmonton farmland; integrated environmental management
Who governs the government?; challenging administrative decisions; remedies through judicial review; public participation update, standing and costs
“Rac”king our brain over oilsands country; interpreting the Land Use Framework; Lower Athabasca Regional Plan and biodiversity doublespeak |
Tougher fines for federal environmental offences; BC aquaculture laws found unconstitutional; species at risk in Suffield National Wildlife Area
Private claims vs. public interest and environmental protections; the federal government’s responsibility to to report on pollution from the mining sector; changes to Alberta’s land use planning system; Environment Minister’s failure to identify critical habitat unreasonable; federal laws get enforcement and penalty makeover
Bill 50 delivers shocks to the electricity planning process; Court of Appeal opens ERCB’s standing door a crack; feds face firm greenhouse gas bill; critical habitat identification under SARA
Alberta’s new land use planning process begins; provincial water allocation review; Environmental Bill of Rights enters Parliament; nuclear in Alberta
Oilsands appeal provides little clarity; water diversions, licences, property transactions and water sales; Federal Court finds CEAA amendments alter government’s scoping powers; the public interest, the ERCB and NRCB; the Alberta Utilities Commission Act
Our vision for land use planning in Alberta; subsurface mineral sales in BC; land use planning and fish; Strathcona County’s and capital region planning; fitting the public interest into a big picture plan for Alberta
Equity and the Water Act; flurry of Aboriginal litigation hits Alberta; initiating investigations under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act; Metal Mining Effluent Regulations; tree trespass
Environmental impacts of new nuclear power projects; Court of Appeal confirms regulation is of limited use; nuisance claims may be easier to prove
Kyoto Implementation Act is a matter for Parliament; energy micro-generation in Alberta; climate change and water management in Alberta; no consensus at UN Climate Change Conference in Poland; renewable portfolio standards for Alberta
Alberta’s initial steps toward watershed management planning calls for public input in oilsands development; a regulatory framework for nuclear power for the oilsands
Oilsands development planning; oilsands and water; oilsands and reclamation; governing the oilsands; a backgrounder on oilsands consultations
Siting concerns regarding nuclear energy; greenhouse gas regulation 101; EAB approvals must support higher goals; lawsuit launched against Canada for breaching Kyoto; Land Use Framework
EUB turns down energy project; oilsands consultation completed, now what?; EUB updates Eastern Slopes policy and proposes pilot project; Alberta’s multiple planning paths |
Vol.21 No.1
NRCB revises to respond to AOPA concerns; trespass and directional drilling; federal “smart regulation”
Access to EAB process; emissions trading regulation now in force; oilfield injection of fresh water policy and guidelines released; new rules for water testing for CBM wells; judicial interpretation of EPEA at odds with pollution prevention
ELC report on brownfields; EUB supports watershed planning in Battle Lake; consultation begins on Alberta Land Use Framework; flexible federal enforcement and compliance tool would be of value provincially; EPEA amendments foreshadow new regulatory programs; case updates
Clean Air Act weak on greenhouse gas emissions; EUB warns against form letters in intervener submissions; plants may force Alberta to address gaps in species at risk legislation
Government fails to consult Dene Tha’ on Mackenzie gas project; initial promise of Fisheries Act 2007 not substantiated; new reporting requirements for pesticides; consultation on Land Use Framework proceedingl IL 93-9 and the development of the Southern Eastern Slopes
“Harmony” in toxic substance regulation muddles CEPA 1999 five-year review; group standing that the EAB; message for the Minister of Alberta Environment; the state of polluter pays in Canada
Alberta – BC environmental harmonization; legal, practical and political implications of the Species at Risk Act; Court of Appeal clarifies sentencing principles for environmental offenses
Ticketing for environmental offenses; EUB give conditional green light on sour gas wells outside Calgary; deterrence of environmental offenses; regulatory challenges on the disclosure of information under EPEA; Why incorporate as a Society?
EUB changes enforcement policy; DFO sets mew policy course for Fisheries Act enforcement; putting the brakes on subdivision; EAB decision raises concerns over Alberta Environment’s mandate
Judicial scrutiny of environmental assessment in Alberta; environmental disasters and Lake Wabamun |
Supreme Court allows interim costs for public interest case; sour gas well application denied; tips for preparing board submissions without a lawyer; new model emerging for wildlife management; My neighbour’s tanks are leaking!; federal environmental petition a useful tool; new privacy law may affect environmental and community groups
Dealing with problems from motor boat use; Contaminated Sites Committee submits interim report; reasonable expectation of consultation taken seriously by courts; AOPA amendments give with one hand and take with the other; new legislation permits off-road vehicle use in heritage rangeland; landowner and oil and gas interest; Alberta Environment takes restrictive view of “directly affected”
Animal welfare law reform stalled in Parliament; conservation easements – benefits and barriers; court affirms purpose of Alberta’s EIA process; e-recycling details hidden; launching a private prosecution; report on oilfield injection of water finalized; Supreme Court rules in favour of GM canola; Water, water everywhere but will we get a drink?
Municipal law and environmental protection; mold matters; ELC assessment of EAB accessibility nears completion; EAB to consider changes to Cheviot project; NRCB approval leaves unanswered questions; accessing environmental site assessment information from Alberta Environment
Alberta’s proposed climate change legislation; government set to restrict recreational access to public lands; public participation and Bill 32, the proposed Climate Change and Emissions Management Act; When smoke gets in your eyes…;constitutional support lacking for Bill 32; Environmental Farm Plan designed to help agricultural sector
New split-receipting income tax rules for charitable gifts; province enacts retroactive criteria for EUB consideration; receding lakes and property lines; municipal powers over livestock operations; joint panel rejects hydro project on precautionary basis; Draft Provincial Water Strategy stresses partnerships; making the most of your environmental lawyer; creative sentencing part I
Greater onus on landowners under new reclamation system; regulatory reform needed for contaminated sites; costs awarded to citizens in Inland Cement appeal; forestry case sets precedent for duty to consult; judicial review finds EAB patently unreasonable; creative sentencing part II; seeking answers about regulatory requirements for projects impacting water bodies
Alberta passes class proceedings legislation; multi-stakeholder initiative proposes emission framework for Alberta’s energy sector; clearer picture for successful costs claims before EAB; provincial water strategy promises better management; water systems shift to EPEA codes of practice
Commercial leases and landlord liability for tenants’ contamination; environmental impairment liability insurance and landfills; Where’s Alberta Environment going with our waste?; federal role in environmental assessment; electricity generation expansion sparks many issues; regulatory change for Alberta workplaces; researching environmental law on the internet
Alberta’s Water Strategy; enforcement of EAB recommendations and NRCB decisions; conflict between the oil and gas industry and agricultural landowners; CASA working on management system for electricity air emissions; update on agricultural operations from the NRCB; greenhouse gas emissions trading; oil and gas exploration on First Nations; EAB penalty reductions don’t add up
Trouble for toxic torts as class actions; estate liability for contaminated land; industrial activity on crown land and trappers’ compensation; individual citizens can make a difference; direction needed for regulatory remediation of contamination; agricultural development and loss of biodiversity in Northern Alberta
Climate change consultation history; inter-basin transfer approved by Alberta; pest control proposal needs strengthening; Security Management Status Amendment Act, 2002; What’s a volunteer to do; costs awarded to citizens in Lafarge appeal; Bill 32 heats up Alberta’ climate change picture; accessing climate change information via websites
Helicopters “whirrying” wildlife?; sour gas public health and safety review; intensive livestock feeding operations and the Klapstein Committee; aerial pesticide applicator company and individual give heavy fines; pesticides and progress; practical pointers on petitions; new administrative penalty system
Strip malls give me gas; proposed amendments to CEAA and Aboriginal interests and perspectives; creative sentencing in Alberta; contaminated land – minimizing the buyer’s risk; finding the facts of fisheries; EUB rejects sour gas well for public safety
Indigenous peoples and Forest Stewardship Council certification; the adjudication of “directly affected”; stakeholder consultation and the proposed Meridian Dam; municipal regulation of pesticide use; the Federal Court of Appeal on scoping project and assessment and on public interest costs; an alternative approach to environmental regulation; federal alternative enforcement mechanism
When the cat(erpillar) gets the birds; AENV business plan; falsifying documents at wastewater treatment plant gives one day jail and 500 hours community service; moral duty to consult; DFO prairie expansions; provincial regulation of confined feeding operations; recent changes to the EUB’s cost recovery policies and procedures
Alberta’s municipal taxes and habitat loss; heritage seeds; CEAA five-year review; EAB’ approach for determining Aboriginal issues incomplete; the proposed Drinking Water Materials Safety Act; the tragedy of Little Mountain; administering environmental administrative penalties; don’t leave security on the table
When public consultation becomes pulp fiction; Species at Risk Act; FOIP fee for forestry plans waived in public interest; “mission impossible” in obtaining cost from EAB; EUB demands more effective public consultation; liability of developers and consultants; considerations for insolvency professionals when dealing with contaminated lands
Pesticide primer and the need for federal action; liability of companies for contamination upon amalgamation and retrospectivity in BC’s Waste Management Act; talking to your neighbours; Alberta Environment approves new compliance assurance principles; can’t see the forest (law) for the trees; EUB consultation on costs
Researching environmental law on the internet; down in the dumps over the dump; Minister must give reasons for failure to follow EAB recommendation; BC introduces anti-SLAPP legislation; AENV director’s discretion in writing approval conditions is broad; public reporting on Alberta Environment’s compliance assessment and enforcement activities; statutory appeals
New limitation period added to EPEA; farming, well water and eater rights; proposed regulatory framework for livestock feeding operations; CEPA review update; riparian rights a factor in EAB decision; whither “polluter pays”?; brownfields development; coal mine opponent turned down
Occupier’s liability and natural land; Banks say: You’re clean? Show us the certificate!; court sets aside Director’s decision varying approval; appellants need to move carefully in establishing appeals; EAB reduces penalty for pesticide application; courts consider polluter profits in sentencing; the Multilateral Agreement on Investment and the environment; contaminated land – When should we tell?
Is municipality spraying by the rules?; trade agreements and bulk water exports; the latest from the Livestock Regulations Stakeholder Advisory Group; FOIP Act’s litigation privilege prevents disclosure of environmental assessment report; narrow interpretation of appellant status leaves public interest; municipality liable for illegal pesticide spraying; Don’t ignore these municipal bylaws
CEPA review; public land berry pickers; wellsite reclamation review; environmental orders and actions affecting real estate; troublemakers; Minister rejects recommendations of EAB; oil and gas operator liable for damage to livestock; first enforcement order issued under Alberta’s new Water Act
Bankruptcy and insolvency amendments affect environmental liability of trustees and receivers; U-pick owner troubled by proposed feeder and weaner operation; Alberta’s Fisheries Act; EAB’s attempt to limit appeal’s scope held unfair; EAB costs update; request for information and the litigation privilege; litigate or mediate; Director’s letters not subject to appeal
Government proposes move to reclamation audit system; tree trespass; EAB outlines test for reconsideration; FOIP protects identity of Special Places 2000 nominators; Supreme Court clarifies Aboriginal title and use rights; delegated organizations and environmental protection; bad advice; alfalfa plant ordered temporarily shut down
New amendments to EPEA; regulating intensive livestock operations; information on the new Water Act; bridges and roads; timber permit quashed to protect treaty rights; Who pays?; the role of the compliance division; reclamation update
A snapshot of the new Water Act; range improvements and timber harvesting; water rights under the Water Act; keeping secrets; electrical restructuring; coal mine opponent jumps preliminary hoops